Makeup giveaway! Yay!

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I've been looking around for makeup, and I stumbled upon Love of Makeup's giveaway.

The quest for the perfect moisturizer

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Got this from a TFS store at the COEX mall in Seoul. I love how green the tub is, which is probably the reason why I bought it. This is how the gel inside looks...

I've only used it for maybe 5 times, but I'm loving it! I can't believe how it could moisturize my uber dry skin, given the fact that it is sooo light. It's very slightly scented and it feels like it's water-based. I hope I won't breakout with this. And I hope it's locally available. Otherwise, I would have to bother people in Korea to send me some. lol.

Oh, I wish this is the end of my quest. I've just begun writing about it, but I've actually been in search of the perfect moisturizer for quite a while.

Autumn in Seoul (Part 1)

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Actually, it's almost winter when my friends and I went to Seoul last week. Almost half of the foliage have already fallen off from the trees, and our fingers could be mistaken for popsicles. But nothing could spoil the fun. We still had a grand time in South Korea.

For weeks prior to the trip, I busied myself with our itinerary. We were all traveling to South Korea for the first time, and although majority (4 out of 5) of us worked for Koreans for at least a couple of years, our knowledge of Korea was limited to "annyeong haseyo" and "yeye" expressions. Koreans are really not very keen on teaching their language to other people. It must be their difficulty in English that makes them hesitant. They get really frustrated when they couldn't express themselves.

But I digress...

So, for a few weeks prior to our trip, nobody was excited but myself. They wouldn't help me with anything. I had to use all the resources I had. I was very lucky a lot of people wanted to help me with the planning.

Long story short, I came up with a pretty good itinerary. Tada!

Day 1 (of lakwatsa) (FRIDAY)
Seoul city bus tour

Dinner with Mr. Choi JH
Bar in the Hongdae area

Nami Island
Han River cruise

Day 3 (SUNDAY)

Day 4
Samseong (to meet former bosses for lunch)
COEX mall

A day before we left Manila, Mr. Ham (my former boss' staff's staff) call
ed me to inform me that Mr. Lee (my former boss) wanted to have dinner with us on Day 1. I probably sounded panicky because he assured me that Mr. Choi JH agreed to swap appointments. Apparently, they were talking to each other and making arrangements. Cool.

When we arrived at the Incheon airport, we were greeted by the (surprisingly young and dashing!) Mr. Ham. He was holding a sheet of paper with my name on it, and that was when the excitement of my girl friends "officially" started. We all forgot to rent a cellphone because everybody wanted to rush to his side. Haha. We exchanged some pesos to won, and off we went to Lee & No Guesthouse on Yeonnam-dong, Mapo-Gu in Seoul. I was thrilled even more upon seeing our vehicle -- a Limousine van!

This is Mr. Ham with the gurls...

Upon reaching the gate of the guesthouse, we were greeted not by a person, but by this note taped to the wall:

After unloading our luggages, Mr. Ham set off to bring Kim (a girl I met online the previous night) to her hotel. We did exactly what we were told to do through the note, got inside the guesthouse, and met a Japanese guy named Tadashi. It was so nice of him to welcome us and show us to our room (Mr. Lee of the guesthouse didn't arrive until after 15 minutes). A little later, we remembered that we haven't had dinner yet so Tadashi gave us directions to a kimbap place. He probably sensed the fear in our eyes, as he offered to take us there. He said that it serves the best kimbap, not to mention that it was probably the only place open at the time.

Our first adventure started at the restaurant. It was literally a turo-turo because there wasn't ANY English on their menu. Even the lady server didn't speak English at all. We pointed to her a noodle dish, which turned out to be udon (pronounced as udong). We were lucky because it was piping hot and tasted really good, exactly what we needed!

After a good night's sleep and a light breakfast, we went out to see downtown Seoul. We were supposed to take the City Bus Tour, but Mr. Lee (of the guesthouse) suggested we take a tour of the city on foot. He made it sound easy so we took his advice. Unfortunately, we got lost. But we were lucky to have found Gyeongbok Palace...

and the National Folk Museum of Korea (but we didn't go inside)...

Along the way, we got distracted with a few interesting things like Goo Jun Pyo posters...

...the Bioman-inspired Pieta...

... and these lettuce flowers...

And those were just a few of the distractions. There were the dried squid vendor who was selling dried pusit for W20,000 (around Php800!) per pack, the maple leaves, the policemen, and others. Getting lost wasn't all that bad. However, by 4pm, we should be back at the guesthouse to get ready for dinner. Dinner that night was probably the highlight meal of the entire trip, as it was hosted by my former boss (now president & CEO of a bigger subsidiary). So we had to rush back home. But how were lost people supposed to hurry?

At 6:00pm or so, we were
again picked up by Mr. Ham at Exit 7 of the Samseong station. He was as ravishing as the previous night and I felt everybody's excitement at the sight of him. On the way to the restaurant, we were getting impatient with the heavy traffic. Yes, it doesn't only happen here in Manila. The big difference though is that very few people use their car horns in Seoul.

As we entered Sam Won Garden, we were greeted by Mr. Kim. But he doesn't deserve that intro. He was g-o-r-g-e-o-u-s! I've known him since 2003 (he was actually the one who hired me), but I've never seen him that gorgeous before. He was sporting a handsome trench coat that high
lighted his broad shoulders, and a smile that could melt the icebergs in the North Pole. Oh-my-god. He was divine! Of course, there has to be proof:

Extreme left.

Before calling it a day, we insisted that Mr. Ham take us to the Namsan Tower, where we had a great view of Seoul.

SoKor trip (Prologue)

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Next week, my friends and I are going to Seoul for a 4-day vacation. Thanks to PGMA for taking back the holiday, I would have to file for a 2-day leave from work. But then, I am too excited for this trip (which we have booked four months ago!)so I won't allow anything to ruin it.

From Monday, I haven't really been working. It's not something I'm proud of and I'm sure the guilt would haunt me, but did I say I am too excited about this trip? We are all first-timers and I don't know why they gave me the task of prepping the itinerary. I must say it's deeefficult considering that my knowledge of Korea very minimal, if at all. I know a few food items like kimchi, bulgogi, galbi, japchae, bibimbap and rice cakes, but that's it.

But I digress... So going back, prepping the itinerary is not an easy task. It's mabusisi because it entails a looooot of research. I'm guessing it would take less time if somebody else did it, I really get distracted easily most of the time. Like when I am at a website and I see a hyperlink, I am always lured into clicking it, and you could guess what happens next.

But then, no choice.

All for Juan

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(Photo from Philippine Daily Inquirer)

When Ondoy struck the metro, I was at the office, working. I left home very early on that fateful Saturday, as I was required to report at 7:30AM. It was already raining nonstop since the night before, but little did I (or anybody for that matter) know that it could almost sweep the entire Metro Manila off the Philippine map.

I got differing text messages from friends/relatives of whether to go h
ome or not. At 10AM, I decided I would leave the office as soon as the rain stopped. But it didn't. Instead of slowing down, Ondoy even gained strength which my other trapped co-workers and I witnessed when we went out to have lunch.

Long story short, I spent the entire weekend away from home. If it's any consolation, I spent Saturda
y night at the office with 4 other girls. Thank God, the Jollibee and Chowking stores across the street were open so we didn't have to worry about food.

We woke up to a rather good weather on Sunday morning, dreading to hear the news of what Ondoy left of the metro. We all went to watch the news on TV and online. We all felt weak. I, double the weakness. All roads to ho
me were submerged in water, from waist-deep to neck-deep. So, that morning, while the 3 other girls decided to brave the knee-deep floods going to their homes, my friend Jane stayed with me. We then went to SM Makati to buy some fresh clothes to wear to work the following day. Her aunt took us in for the night.

Although I'm sure I smelled like a damp dog that Monday, I was thankful for a lot of things. First, my family back home and I were safe. Second, our home was not affected by the floods. Third, it's the nature of my job to i
mplement donations. I didn't care if I stunk or looked like a zombie that day. I knew we had to help, and we had to do it quick.

I went out to buy groceries for d
onation: water, canned goods and medicines. With some volunteers from work, we went to Sagip Kapamilya to drop the items. We really wanted to help in repacking, but the warehouse guys said they had enough volunteers for the day.

I don't have a lot of photos at the warehouse because one, taking pictures wasn't my priority at the time; and two, the place was really packed and it was still drizzling (which might damage my camera). But anyway, in this photo is Tom Mott (the guy in blue) of Pinoy Big Brother Double Up, before he even went inside Kuya's house.

Not satisfied that we did enough to help, the volunteers decided to go to evacuation centers in the weekend to help hands-on.

The greatest challenge as of the time though was the approaching typhoon, Pepeng. But we were decided we had to do it. Of course there was Plan B, where we would postpone (not cancel) it for another day if Pepeng insisted he would make a landfall on NCR.

The Friday of that week, work was called off at noon because of news reports that Pepeng is gaining strength. I was already out, buying groceries again for our mission. So while the rest of the office (except for some volunteers) were already on their way home, we were "hoarding" SM Hypermarket's inventory. Another consolation: my SM Advantage Card was loaded with points! It wasn't much, but better than nothing. ;)

After the hoarding, we stayed for a few more hours to pack the goods. I had to leave earlier (10:30PM hehe) because I was too scared of being trapped for the second consecutive weekend.

The next day, Pepeng was very unpredictable. He would have rain-
wind fits one moment, then drizzle-no wind the next. The group decided to go anyway.

Braving Pepeng and the floods left by Ondoy, we went to three evacuation centers in Pateros (a municipality that claimed it was "forgotten"). I know it's not proper to feel good when others are suffering, but seeing the plight of the evacuees made me feel really lucky. Whenever I felt tired during the mission, I think of how blessed I am not being in their position. What's one day of community service out of the 365 days anyway? What's two minutes of walking in calf-deep floods if it meant food for the hungry?

The first evacuation center we went to was an elementary school which housed about 9 families in a room. The place smelled of dirt, sickness, and frustration. Besides the groceries, we brought them ready-to-eat Chickenjoy. And seeing the kids eyes widening made us numb for hunger. At least for me. I am such a crybaby, I wanted to cry then. But I didn't, for fear of being mistaken as a kagawad wannabe.

The second and third evacuation centers were no different than the first. Well, except for the flood. But the rooms were also cramped and still had the same smell as the first's.
It was quite a day for the 13 volunteers. We were really really tired but seeing these kids were enough to take away the pagod.

Side note: The money we used to buy the goods was from the company we work for. But the volunteers were indeed volunteers, who worked pro bono.

Good times without Mo

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A few friends have been talking about the radio show Good Times with Mo, and for the longest time, I've been trying to get a hold of it. But after years of listening to Chico and Delamar, I think I've outgrown radio talkies already. Until today. As I pop my iPod earphones to my ears this morning on the way to work, the battery drained, which left me with no other choice but to go FM on my cellphone. So I decided to listen to this Good Times with Mo show. It's quite ironic though because Mo's on birthday leave today.

Well, I don't know how the show is when Mo's around, but having only Grace Lee and Mojo Jojo in the show seems quite enough. Mojo can really be a bitch sometimes (which I love btw haha), but I think they have the perfect timpla. They're not too talkative as Chico and Del, they play good music, and they're makulit. I love how they okray each other.

How do I rate the show? I called them the first time I listened to them! Was able to talk off air to Mojo first. If I didn't know he's gay, I would probably have a crush on him. He has a very handsome voice. Heck, he's a dj, Angel. Stufid. So anyway, I enjoyed talking to them. I would probably listen to them again tomorrow. I just wish iPods come with FM radio!


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Ondoy, it's not nice meeting you. Please go away. Ayoko matulog sa office!!!!

My weird habit(s)

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Jamie Oliver - Jeff Rosen
Cebu Gov. Gwen Garcia - Dr. Nancy Snyderman
Madonna - Andrea Mitchell
Fanny Serrano - Willie Revillame
Tessa Prieto Valdes - Juan Flavier / Mahal
Ian Wright - Richard Engel
David Caruso - David Gregory

...and the list goes on.

It's one of the few weird habits I have -- looking for people's lookalikes. It's not intentional, I swear. When I meet/see someone for the first time, I almost always come up with another person whom I think he/she looks like. It's almost spontaneous!

Where does national pride take us?

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All the hustle and bustle on Manny Pacquiao and the "national pride" he apparently brings the country gets me into thinking: What the hell is national pride and where does it take us? Pride is pride, which is a vice. It only makes our ego swell. Bad.


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After a few months of mulling over getting a perm, I was finally able to do so. I didn't get the style I wanted but I love my new do nevertheless. I went to Korean stylist Simon Kim for a digital perm. It was actually a risk I had to take, as I've read a lot of bad feedback about him. So what made me go to him? Two things: one, he's cheap. Others charge between P 3500 and P 8000, while Simon had a promo price of P 1500. Two, he's Korean. So what if he is? I have absolutely no idea. Haha. Will post a pic soon.
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For a few years now, I've been wearing my hair stick straight and long. And it's really boring me. So, now I want it permed. But since it's rebonded, the only perming method possible is digital perming. I want loose curls (maybe more like waves) from roots to tips. My hair is kinda thin and flat, and it gets really ugly at the roots. Think Cachupoy. I hope it's possible to have my hair permed from the roots. I want it to look like this:Photo credits:

I've asked a few salons and the price of having a digital perm ranges from Php 3k to Php5k. I'll have to think about it first. The amount I'm going to spend, if and when I decide to go for it, could actually take me to Dumaguete already. Hmm. Think, think, think.

There's more to life than work.

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So they say.

But for people like me, it's work, work, work. I'm not happy with it, of course. But I don't have a lot of choices. Tomorrow, I have a job interview. I'm not sure whether to go or not. It's quite early and the office is quite inaccessible. Hmm.

I'm too sleepy. Prepaid internet sucks. Bigtime!


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A week ago, a friend asked me, "If you can see only one concert in your life, whose concert would it be?" I find it rather difficult to answer, considering it could make or break me. I wanted to say Amy Winehouse's, but that could lead my friend to believing that I'm a drug addict. "Angel, you have to think harder," I said to myself. I tried to recall everything that's on my iPod, and bingo! "Jason Mraz's!"
Photo credit:

I love the guy. Totally. He writes his songs, plays superb music, and is very attractive. He's smart and funny. Some may find him offensive, but to each his own.

Over the weekend, the friend asked me if I know Jason's bio. And god, I didn't! So yesterday, I took some time out to read about him. I learned that his family's from Czechoslovakia. And he's a vegetarian. I was also pleased to know that he's not gay. Although I don't see any problem if he is. He is hot!

Okay, my infatuation isn't all that shallow. I admire him because he loves life. He's human. He procrastinates once in a while, takes his photo in the mirror (with only his undies on and with a knife in one hand), admits to taking supplements, frets on small things. He's awesome! I promise to see him in this lifetime.

Why? When? How?

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These questions keep ringing in my ear. Despite my very tight schedule, they still manage to make it into my mind, almost always simultaneously. This stage actually feels like deja vu. This has happened half a year ago, too.

I know I'm being very vague here. But then, everything's vague even to me. I'm always being reminded that "everything happens for a reason", and I'm supposed to stop asking questions. But then again, I was probably created by God to ask!

For as far as I can remember, friends come to me for answers. And it's just sad that I can't answer my own questions. I am totally fucked-up.

We're moving!

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For the third time since 2003, we are again moving to another apartment. The reason: the current unit we're occupying is kind of crumbling. Actually, literally, it is. I was once awaken by a thud which came from a part of the ceiling that fell off. The ceiling, by the way is made of cement. This is how the ceiling looks minus the fallen piece:
That's in the bedroom. But the living room's ceiling also looks like that. Plus, there are cracks on all the walls. Yes, on ALL of them. Plus plus, the paint inside the house is peeling off. Plus plus plus, the wooden ceiling of the bathroom seems to be hanging by a thread.

The paint peeling off

The bathroom ceiling
After 3 weekends of scouting for the perfect home, I've finally settled for the 2-bedroom, 2-storey apartment that will cost me quite a fortune. Well, fortune is relative. But yes, the new home will be more expensive. Really, really expensive. The rent is almost double, the location is farther from commercial areas, and the water is supplied by the landlord at about five times the rate of Manila Water. But then again, the family's safety shouldn't be compromised, right?

Now, I have to think of and implement ways on how to cut on other costs. I'll probably get a cheaper internet service. No one will use the toilet flush. We grew up on tabo after all. I will probably buy the cheapest milk for myself. That is, if I won't give it up altogether. I'll probably give up on my specialty diet and go back to eating rice and ulam.
No more malling on weekends, no more "I love this" purchases. Everytime I want to buy something, I'll ask myself first, "do I really NEED this?" (thank God I saw the movie "The Confessions of a Shopaholic"). Graduate studies will also have to take the backseat for now. I think I also have to go back to working on oDesk.

Oh, the things we sacrifice for family...

It's official.

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On Wednesday night, I noticed that my throat hurt whenever I swallowed. I didn't have fever or cough or colds. Since I had to take Chu to the pediatrician yesterday, I only had today to go to an ENT to have my throat checked. It's now official, I am stressed out. She said that it's the reason why I have this pharyngitis. I don't know if that's possible, but there... she said it was stress that's causing this. I would normally do a research on this so-called relationship between stress and pharyngitis, but I think I am too tired to do it now. Maybe later.

Anyway, she advised me to gargle with Orahex (which tastes like mentholated ampalaya by the way) thrice a day. Talk about agony. Eew talaga. And then she prescribed Ectrin (mucolytic, because I told her I have thick mucus in my throat) and some multivitamins called Opstres.

If this plan doesn't work, (i.e., if the condition worsens by Sunday), I have to go back to the doc. I hope though that it does work because the cost of medication is one of the stress factors.

Halting the rushaholic

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As I write this, Chu is already fast asleep. But I check on her every 15 minutes. I skipped work today because when I arrived from school last night, I found out that she had a slight fever. So, starting this morning, I've been giving her Dolan FP every six hours. So far, the fever goes away everytime she takes it. Unfortunately, and almost precisely, the fever comes back after the 6th hour. I am really worried because she also said that her throat hurts. At the height of the H1N1 flu scare, who wouldn't worry?

For the past months, I have been very busy at work. And for a while I've forgotten why I am working. I've been so busy maintaining my momentum. Until today. This morning, while preparing Chu's breakfast, I realized how much I missed her. Yes, I help her prepare for school every morning, but I think I fall short on giving her the tender loving care she deserves. So today, I gave her that. And I promised myself to do it every single day. After all, she's the reason why I hold on to my job, so there's no way she should rank second to it.

Scents of my life

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When I was studying culinary arts, I was once told how strong my sense of taste is. And since about 80% of what we perceive as taste comes from smell, I therefore conclude that my nose is of superb quality. Har har.

Okay, seriously now. Actually, my sense of smell doesn't only give me the pleasure of gobbling up my favorite dishes, it is
also what helps me remember things I would have forgotten already due to the amount of anesthesia I was administered years ago. As far as I can recall, I've been associating moments in my life to the different scents I've been encountering during those particular times. I'd like to go over all of those scents but that would be impossible. So I'd just share some.

  1. Garnier Light face cream with SPF 15. This was what I used as my facial sunblock when my friends and I went to Singapore and Kuala Lumpur last year. I stopped using it in December to try another product. But just last week, I decided to use it again. After applying it, I felt a faint smile on my face. I suddenly remembered walking in KL, looking for a place to have breakfast, with only MYR10 (loaned to me by Ramie) in my pocket. And then other things went "showing up" -- the internet shops, me asking Jane to send me prepaid cellphone load, the Petronas, me getting lost, and a whole lot more.
  2. Gap Dream. I received this back in college as a gift from a friend. During that time, I was already addicted to the internet. I remember going to an "eyeball" (eeew) with a group from the defunct Crazy things you do in life, eh?
  3. Ralph Lauren's Romance. The first EDT I ever bought for myself. Whenever I smell it from someone, I remember my friends Diego and Bogart and all our lakads - Starbucks after office, yosi, yosi, yosi.
  4. Sinigang na bangus sa bayabas. My nanay used to cook this dish a lot when my siblings and I were growing up. This reminds me of lazy weekends with the family. Come to think of it, we were a happy family. I miss all of them.
  5. Ralph Lauren's Safari. Reminds me of a good friend. At least someone who used to be. Unfortunately, he turned into a fucking asshole. Some scents do remind me of bad times.
I'm pretty sure there are a lot of other scents that remind me of some things. But right now, my memory is malfunctioning. I'll probably have to go back to this list every once in a while to update it.

Thinking aloud.

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I really hate going to school. I know this is crazy because I paid for the tuition fee with my hard earned money. But I'm really not happy with my decision of going to that school. :-(


I have unbelievably large arms. So large they look like a man's. I'll be attending two weddings this month so I started looking for a dress this afternoon. I tried all kinds of necklines and straps, but none looked fab on me. How frustrating! Prominent clavicle, enormous feet, big arms. I swear, mukha akong bakla. Isn't that the worst insult a woman can get? What more if it came from herself?! So now I am online, trying to look for dresses that will hide the flaws. I'll probably end up like suman.


I am beginning to love my job. After six years, I am finally not dragging myself to work. It must be because of the new tasks or because of choux-choux. Hehe.

Borlogs na again.


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A lot has happened since the last time I was here. Hmm. I have to go over them quickly as I still have work tomorrow.

My "debut" project was released after the Holy Week. Everyone congratulated me. I hope they meant well. I mean (how Manny Pacquiaoish), let's face it, they could mean something else.

We are officially in the middle of the second quarter, which means I need to work on the next issue of the newsletter again. Wow, time really flies!

The trip I mentioned will not push thru. At least for now. I was denied a visa, goddamit. The traumatic experience (read: mahabang pilaaaaaaaaaaa, it took us 3.5 hours) is telling me that it's not worth applying again anytime soon. Plus six thousand bucks isn't easy to cough up especially if there's the risk of seeing it down the drain. Again.

Work has been tough. And so school has to suffer. I had to miss classes due to work. I couldn't miss work just to attend the classes. Work is priority. Besides, the school is kinda overrated. Sorry, I just felt I had to say that. That's how I really feel. So, I might give it up. I'd probably enrol in UPOU instead. At least I could manage my time better, and it's a lot cheaper. And it's UP!

I had my braces six months ago (I hope it wasn't because of Betty La Fea). And the result is already visible. Very visible, in fact, that everybody notices it. I'm happy with it. :-)

I'm very sleepy now. Borlogs. Have to sleep na.

Flat out.

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That was a new phrase I learned from the Urban Dictionary. It means extremely busy. I am. Well, at least I have been. And will soon be. Again.

The annual board of directors' meetings took place last week so we were busy preparing weeks prior to that. The newsletter, my "debut" project, has initially been drafted and is now with my boss for comments/suggestions. I just hope he doesn't give me a hard time any more so we can publish it after the Holy Week.

After the newsletter, I need to work on the brochure. Then the exhibit, the website, and the touch screen device. One of the reporters will be having an outreach program which has been postponed twice already, and which I need to attend. Probably without me noticing it, I will be working on the next issue of the newsletter again.

My sister is seldom online so I can't talk to her much about the trip. The waiting is killing me.

Anyway, I have to go as I still need to be in the office tomorrow. Weekly report!

Monday the 16th

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Friday the 13th is said to be an unlucky day. But last Friday went smoothly for me and for most people I know. Monday the 16th, which is today, seemed to be the unlucky one.

For one, I was late for work. And I left my makeup kit at home. It would've been okay if it was an ordinary day. But today we had an important event at work and I needed makeup badly.

Then, I heard that there would be no carpool for us for at least a month. The guys from LTO took out the car plates and accused the driver of operating illegally. Too bad.

So, we had to take an FX going home today. I don't know if it was my uniform that's making me sweat, or the FX just didn't have enough freon. The only thing I knew was, it was sweltering inside the goddamn vehicle.

Around 2 kilometers away from the terminal, the driver suddenly stopped. He went on a coughing fit before falling unconscious. All the passengers went out of the car. The woman who was on the passenger seat was rubbing his chest and he suddenly came to. Everybody was asking him if he was ok, and he said something we couldn't understand. The next thing we knew, he was slowly falling into unconsciousness again. As his head dropped, dark blood came out of his mouth. Everybody was panicking and didn't know what to do.

I remembered there was a hospital nearby (around 250 meters away), so I started running for it. I didn't have its phone number but I knew it was very near. I was in heels at the time and my bunyon still hurt but I couldn't stop. I was half walking, half running. I needed to strike a balance.

When I reached the emergency room, I told the people there what had just happened. I lied about one thing though. I told them nobody from the passengers know how to drive. I know how to drive actually. But I couldn't. Besides the fact that I was trembling, I also didn't want to go near the man. I mean, blood is BLOOD for crying out loud.

Anyway, the doctor let two male nurses go with me (we half walked and half ran again), and when we got there, the man was conscious but was barely breathing. One of the nurses drove his FX to the hospital, while one was trying to keep him from falling.

How's that for an experience?

I now wonder how the man is. I hope he's better. My bunyons are sore, but knowing I've done something good by walking-running makes it a little less painful.

What every woman should have and know

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Found this on another blog. She said she found it on a local newspaper a few months back. I know I've received this thru email maybe a few years back and I guess it's worthy of sharing it to every woman. Here goes...

A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE old love she can imagine going back to...and one who reminds her how far she has come
....enough money within her control to move out and rent a place of her own even if she never wants to or needs to.
....a youth she's content to leave behind.
...a past juicy enough that she's looking forward to retelling it in her old age.
...a set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black lace bra. friend who always makes her laugh ... and one who lets her cry.
....a good piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in her family.
....eight matching plates, wine glasses with stems, and a recipe for a meal that will make her guests feel honored.
...a feeling of control over her destiny...

EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW... to fall in love without losing herself.. to quit a job, break up with a lover, and confront a friend without ruining the friendship..
...when to try harder ... and when to walk away.
...that she can't change the length of her calves, the width of her hips, or the nature of her parents.
...that her childhood may not have been perfect...but its over.
...what she would and wouldn't do for love or more. to live alone... even if she doesn't like it.
....whom she can trust, whom she can't, and why she shouldn't take it personally.
...where to go ... be it to her best friend's kitchen table... or a charming inn in the woods... when her soul needs soothing.
...what she can and can't accomplish in a day... a month...and a year...


0 made some churva
Last Monday, I called AGSB to inquire about the exam results. I passed! And the lady even told me I ranked second out of the two takers. Haha. Actually, out of 37. :-) But I'm still torn. I might still take La Salle's exam.


0 made some churva
Today I took Ateneo Graduate School of Business (AGSB)'s entrance exam. It wasn't like any other exam I took in the past. But I can't tell whether it was easy or not. What I know is, it's different. I do hope I pass. I'll know by Monday.

Singapore - KL Trip (Part 2)

0 made some churva
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

I should've done this earlier when I could still remember everything clearly. But I'll try my best to recall the events as they happened.

November 21

We arrived in KL at around 4:30am in a place which reminded me of our very own Recto. It was unexpectedly cold that morning and the place was unexpectedly very much alive. Whether the people were still awake from the previous day or were up very early for the day, nobody could tell. I just hate myself for not asking Ramie what the place was called.

Ramie had to negotiate with maybe four taxi drivers before we settled for the two who took us to Rasa Sayang, a restaurant that had the air of our local Dencio's (or Gerry's). Besides the tables and chairs that were so Dencio's/Gerry's, almost all their waiters were Filipinos too. But no, Rasa Saya
ng didn't have sisig in their menu, too bad. Since only Ramie had Ringgits at the time, we let him decide which food to order. And again, I hate myself for not asking him what we had. And worse, I forgot to take pictures of the food. As far as I can remember, it was something like roti with a variety of dips. I swear, the next time I travel, I'll take photos of everything and I'll take note of names. I promise.

Anyway, we went to Rasa Sayang to wait for a guy named... damn, I forgot too! He had the key to the condo unit where we would check in (for free!). He arrived at around 6:30am and offered us a ride to Vista D
amai condominiums. Unfortunately, we wouldn't fit in his car so we decided to just walk. All for one, one for all. Hehe. It was only a few blocks from the restaurant anyway. So with each a luggage in tow, we walked the dark streets (yes, the sun doesn't shine in KL until around 7:30 or 8:00), crossed a highway, and finally got to the posh Vista Damai.

The apartment was a one-bedroom unit with a very nice kitchen and a spacious T&B. It also had a window that faced the direction of the Petronas and overlooked the city traffic. Indeed, the best things in life are free. After parking our luggages in different corners that we picked, we took turns in taking a shower. While waiting for the "key" guy earlier at Rasa Sayang, we drew lots to decide who would take a shower first. If my memory serves me right, Shiela got to go first, followed by JoAnne, Anna, me, then Ramie.

When everybody was ready, which was around 9:30am,
we decided to go out and have breakfast at McDonald's. In Malaysia though, in KL at least, most establishments open at 10:30am so there wasn't any money changer that was open. Save for Ramie, we were all still broke, Ringgit-wise. So he lent us MYR10 each so we could at least have a decent breakfast. He then left to meet his friend, Jeremy.

After breakfast, the girls decided to go shopping while I had to go online and check my emails. Internet surfing cost MYR4/hour. The internet shops were almost empty when I went there. Maybe because it was a weekday. I still remember how much I missed Manila at the time. But now, I'm missing KL. :-(

Ramie decided we meet at lunchtime.
While the three girls went shopping in Bukit Bintang, I spent half an hour at an internet shop. I had to ask a friend in Manila to send me prepaid credits because I ran out of load, and I couldn't load the card I bought in Singapore. The girls decided to meet at noontime at Gloria Jean's. But when I went there, they were nowhere in sight. I couldn't text them using my mobile phone because I had to wait for an hour for my roaming to be reactivated. I went looking for them inside the mall, but to no avail. Getting lost all by yourself in a foreign place wasn't really the best thing that could happen to you, but it wasn't that bad. It had a certain feel of liberty in it.

Anyway, I had to go to
a second internet shop so I could text them using Chikka. It was probably around 1:00 when we all met. We then headed to a Chinese restaurant nearby to have an authentic Chinese (read: dirty and full of MSG) lunch.

Okay, I don't remember much about what happened after lunch, but I think we went back to the apartment to freshen up a bit. We then went to Suria, a posh mall between the Petronas Towers. We wanted to go inside Petrosains (pet-ro-signs), but we arrived a little late. So we just went around the mall, took some photos, bought some chocolates, then went out to see the Petronas in all their glory.

We spent around three hours just taking photos of the magnifi
cent Twin Towers. I was in awe all the while, slightly forgetting about the real world. After noticing that we were all getting into each other's nerves, we decided to stop taking pictures (we definitely took more than 200 anyway) and headed to Chinatown to have a late dinner. My memory is starting to fail because I can't remember what we had for dinner that night. All I know is we had a serving of Yang Chow fried rice and a bottle of beer each. It was almost midnight when we finished.

Before snoozing, we all agreed to wake up at 4:30am so we could line up for free visit passes to the Bridgeway of the Petronas. But deep inside, I wish nobody would really wake up that early. It was around 2:00am when we called it a day after all. But then, I forgot that Jo Anne was with us.

November 22

At exactly 4:30am, Jo Anne shook us from our slumber and made us coffee. How thoughtful. An hour after, we found ourselves walking on the dark streets of KL. We took some photos along the way, and made it to the line early, but we were definitely not the earliest. There were around 20 people in front of us already. We waited a good two hours before finally getting our visit passes. Before going up to the Bridgeway, there was a short briefer in an auditorium. After the briefer, the color-coded IDs were given out to the batch of visitors. Jo Anne and I made the mistake of getting our IDs first because the three got a different color from ours. Fortunately, the batches of visitors overlapped so the five of us (actually only four at a time) got to have group pictures taken.

When we descended, we decided to have brunch at Pati Bungsu, an Indian restaurant on Jln. Yap Kwan Seng. We ordered a total of five dishes which all tasted great. The restaurant looked a bit confused though with its luxurious furniture, great food that lacked proper presentatio
n, and its seemingly indigent service staff.

We wanted to make the most out of our time because this was the last day of our trip. So, after brunch, we headed back to Suria to get some more chocolates. We then went to the train station and bought tickets to the station near the KL Tower.

After getting off the train, we walked and walked until we couldn't any more. We hired a taxi to take us to the KL Tower. While there, we again took countless photos and watched a cultural dance show. After the show, Ramie, Jo Anne and I decided to go back to Bukit Bintang to do last-minute shopping. Anna and Shiela wanted to try rappelling so we left them there.

It was already 2:30pm when the three of us got to the condo. We were running late for our bus trip going back to Singapore, which would leave at 4:00pm.
Anna and Shiela arrived a little later, taking their sweet time because they would leave the following day anyway. I don't know how we did it, but we were able to make on time for our trip.

Funny bus moments: Jo Anne took a shot of the cute guy in front of me. She forgot to turn off the flash; Ramie asked the guy behind him, "Excuse me, can I recline my seat?" with his American accent. The guy quipped, "Ay, sige okay lang." Hehe.

We arrived in Singapore at 10:00pm and headed straight to the airport. It seemed that we had planned very well for the trip because our last Singaporean dollars were just enough to buy us a decent airport dinner. We checked in our luggages after dinner and lounged till boarding time.

November 23

At half past midnight, we boarded the plane and I again felt the need to cry. It was around 4:00am when we landed on the Diosdado Macapagal International Airport in Clark. Home sweet home. I love that airport. Very cozy. At 6:00am, we were having breakfast al fresco at Jollibee St. Francis Square. There's really no place like home.

Goals for 2009

0 made some churva
No more New Year's resolutions for me. After all, they are made to be broken, like all promises are. Instead, I will list down my goals for this year:

  1. Save, save, save. I have to beef up the savings by at least P 50,000. Of course I want to save more than that, but I don't want to end up not achieving my target. I have A LOT of other obligations so I have to be realistic.
  2. Go back to school. Either for an MBA or for a second degree. But I am more inclined to the MBA. Open university or the real one. I am more into the real one. De La Salle or Ateneo. Maybe De La Salle. I need to figure this out soon. I'll start inquiring as soon as our newsletter is out. I am really serious about getting higher education.
  3. Get rid of a credit card. I currently have two, so I'll have to give up one. That should be the Metrobank one.
  4. Cut back on expenses. Actually, I don't know how else to do this. I believe I am already sobrang tipid to say the least. But there should be a way. Maybe stop going to the dentist for the adjustment of my braces? Or maybe just delay some visits? I should also quit buying on impulse. I just realized I tend to go on a buying spree when I'm depressed so I should also try not to get depressed. So help me God.
  5. Invest on clothes. I usually buy from bazaars, and end up spending more because they don't last more than 2 months. I actually started with this goal yesterday. Bought a top each from Zara and Mango. Both stores are on sale anyway hehe. I just hope they last longer.
  6. Set aside an emergency fund. I don't know how to do this yet, but it has to be one of my goals for this year. By hook or by crook, I have to set something aside, just in case.
  7. Eat healthy and exercise. I was originally planning on enroling in a gym. But then, thinking about my first two goals, I think I'll have to do this on my own. I won't have a problem with my diet bacause I already found one that works for me.
  8. Travel. Hopefully to another country, but a local destination wouldn't hurt.
  9. Prettify. If I wouldn't love myself first, who would? ;-) Got myself a tube of Retin-A two days ago. I read that tretinoin (when used properly) is a very good anti-ageing product. Also got an SPF 30 sunblock.
I really hope I can achieve these goals. They might seem very simple to others, but not to me. Wishing myself some luck!